
#Tink25 “I have so much admiration for my teams”

January 14, 2021

To celebrate Tink’s 25th anniversary, we will be sharing a series of testimonials from employees who have grown with us—over the past 10, 15, and even 20 years—in an ever-changing industry. Today we hear from Maude Laurin, who joined us in 2000!

Maude Laurin began her adventure at Tink 20 years ago: I started out with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. After going back to school for a computer science certification, I realized that I was very good at programming—I really enjoyed it. Initially assigned to work on the client’s premises as a programmer analyst, Maude returned from maternity leave in 2002 and became, as she describes it, Ms. QA. Her job was to make sure that every product the company delivered was glitch-free. It wasn’t long before I became an account manager, providing support to all our clients. When I took on that role, I started doing a little bit of everything—basic bug investigation, database work, website installation, webmastering, CMS training, client support, etc. Maude’s natural curiosity, resourcefulness, and versatility have helped her become a bona fide tech pro. I also owe a lot to the fact that Tink and the people I met at the agency, who all had so much experience, gave me the opportunity to grow and to build on and hone my skills. Even then, I realized I was lucky to be at a company that trusted its employees.

In 2005, Metro joined Tink’s client roster (where it remains to this day). It marked the beginning of a new chapter for Maude. That’s when the digital production department really got going. The projects were demanding at the time, not only because of the volume we had to produce, but also because of the technical challenges. For example, we were asked to personalize newsletters and the customer experience on the website. You see that all the time nowadays, but it was brand-new in the mid-2000s. Organically, the teams began to grow, and roles became more specialized. Fundamentally, the job stayed the same: make sure everything the client asked for is implemented and working properly. But technology, as well as applications, kept evolving, and the agency gained important new clients. In the beginning, I’d get maybe two or three requests a week, but now it’s more like 100 or 150. We needed to hire more people, fast. Today, Tink’s digital production team, helmed by Maude, has some 30 members, responsible for everything from client relations to integration and design.

screenshot of metro's website in 2009
A page from the Metro website, created in 2009

In such a fast-paced, ever-changing industry, where sticking with the same company for 20 years is more the exception than the rule, how does Maude explain her loyalty to Tink? I’m repeating myself, but I know just how lucky I am to work for a company that listens—not just to the wants and needs of its employees, but also to industry standards. Tink has been around since 1995. We’ve been working with some of our clients for 10, 15, or even 20 years because we continue to put out relevant ideas and, most importantly, execute them well. The secret is making sure that our operations and needs are perfectly in sync. Given the knowledge and the experts we have at the company, we never jump into a project we’re not sure about. That confidence comes through technically and in our communications with the client: we know exactly what we’re capable of. And when our expertise is challenged, we do our homework—we test things out, we evaluate, we strengthen our offer, and we take a different approach to ensure we’re able to deliver a product that meets our standards, which are very high.

When asked what she’s most proud of, Maude answers without the slightest hesitation: I have so much admiration for my teams. Production work is extremely demanding. Our weekly delivery schedule is intense, similar to a newspaper, so it’s crucial to stay diligent and not let anything slip through the cracks. In addition, we have to remain proactive about improving our processes, both internally and in terms of our relationship with the client teams. Doing all that at the same time is a huge task, and I’m infinitely grateful to my team for being up to it every week. Today, the digital production teams continue to grow and take on new projects, in large part because they have the strength and talent to do it.

You can also read our interview with Isabelle Lafetière, art director and UX/UI designer, who’s been at Tink for 18 years.

Communication, Marketing and Social Media Counselor