
Digital strategy consulting at Tink: customized support tailored to your needs

August 4, 2023

We are currently operating in a world where consumer expectations are becoming increasingly high, needs are becoming more difficult to satisfy, industries are transforming rapidly, and technological possibilities are virtually limitless. In short, things are moving very fast! When constantly in the thick of action, it becomes difficult to take the necessary step back to align with the needs of your clients.

At Tink, over the years, we have developed models of intervention in digital planning allowing us to offer our clients a relevant and structured strategic support approach, but above all adapted to their reality.

Our digital strategy approach is divided into 3 well-defined steps:

  1. Where are we?
  2. Where are we going?
  3. How do we get there?

1) Where are we?

Although it may be tempting to jump straight into the future and dive into the ultimate vision of the digital experience, it is important to take a step back and ask the following questions:

  • Where are we in relation to our business objectives?
  • Are we meeting the needs and concerns of our target audiences?
  • How does our digital experience compare to that of our competitors?

This type of questioning nourishes reflection and allows our strategic advisors to see your digital ecosystem from new perspectives. In fact, we have developed a diagnostic model, based on a rigorous and adapted analysis method for your situation, to evaluate your digital maturity based on your industry and business objectives.

This digital diagnosis answers 7 key questions:

  1. Does the digital ecosystem highlight the organization's mission, offer, and values?
  2. Can the user easily understand the key messages and unique selling point of the organization? Does the digital ecosystem offer various types of content?
  3. Does the company's digital offering include online services and/or basic or advanced functional and application concepts? Does it allow users to perform more complex tasks and operations?
  4. Is the company effectively utilizing technology to manage its digital communications?
  5. Does the company have the information and data necessary to manage the user experience and customer relationship?
  6. Is the company's digital ecosystem optimized for organic search (SEO friendly) and does it improve site indexing?
  7. Is the company making relevant and effective use of each of its social media channels?

In addition to assessing the performance of your digital ecosystem, it is also important to have a good understanding of what is happening in the market. That is why we have developed a comparative benchmarking model that allows our experts to evaluate the digital maturity of your competitors and identify inspiring companies that stand out in your industry.

This allows us to understand the strengths and areas for improvement of your digital ecosystem, as well as identify the challenges and opportunities to offer a digital experience that stands out and meets the needs of your targets. Thus, this step allows us to guide the proposed digital tactics and strategies so that they are relevant, profitable, and feasible.

2) Where are we going?

After the diagnosis of the current situation and the comparative benchmarking, it is now time to define the vision of the desired digital experience in the long term in order to achieve your business objectives based on the issues and opportunities identified beforehand. Using ideation workshops where we focus on the issues and needs of your customers, we establish the ultimate vision of the desired digital experience and determine what needs to be implemented to achieve it. We then define the strategies to adopt and the best tactics to use to achieve your goal. At the end of this analysis, you will have your North Star.

3) How do we get there?

As the famous proverb goes: Rome wasn't built in a day. This is also true for executing the digital vision. It's important to take into account your financial, organizational, and technological reality and to plan the deployment of different initiatives carefully. But where should we start? In response to this question, we have developed a prioritization matrix that evaluates different digital strategies and tactics based on the value that will be created for the customer, as well as the complexity of deploying them.

We work together with you to understand your constraints and resources in order to design a realistic roadmap. Prioritizing initiatives not only allows us to propose tactics that are achievable for you, but also to deploy the target digital ecosystem in several feasible phases.

Taking a step back to move forward

Thanks to our models, we help you develop a fresh perspective on your current situation to propose digital strategies and tactics adapted to your reality. Our approach is a structured framework, but not a "one size fits all" solution.

So when we asked our team of digital strategists to share their miracle recipe for successful strategic planning, the answer is clear: "Take a step back! Listen carefully, understand your goals, your daily life, and your resources to guide you towards realistic, accessible, adapted, and inspiring strategies and tactics to help you achieve a higher level of digital maturity and seize business opportunities." In other words, we offer you a fresh perspective with an expert eye.

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