
Employee profile – Alexandre Germain, Web Analytics Advisor

July 8, 2024
Alexandre Germain, conseiller en cybermétrie

Specialized in data analysis, marketing strategy and consumer sciences, Alexandre Germain joined our cybermetrics team in February 2022 and now plays an important role in our clients' web analytics. Learn more about his journey as a Tinker.

In a few words, how would you describe your position and your daily routine?

As a web analytics advisor, I occupy a rather versatile position, which can be divided into 2 main complementary areas:

  1. A technical component, which consists of defining data needs with clients, establishing the structure of this data, writing technical instructions to implement the tools that will collect the data, carrying out quality control of these implementations to ensure the data reliability and configure tag management systems like Google Tag Manager.
  2. An analytical component, which consists of extracting, analyzing, interpreting, and contextualizing data to evaluate the effectiveness of our clients' various marketing initiatives and make recommendations to improve the performance of their respective digital ecosystems. We can also include data visualization, that is to say the development of dashboards and performance reports. For my part, I specialize in the analytical aspect.

I don't have a typical day as I work on a multitude of projects and with various clients. Each of these mandates can take, on average, between 20 and 40 hours to complete. I also sometimes receive questions or ad hoc requests during the week which generally take longer to complete and sometimes require quicker follow-ups. Each week is therefore very different, and I have to juggle several mandates simultaneously. You can't say that I have time to be bored!

According to you, what are the skills and qualities that a person must demonstrate to occupy a position like yours?

Web analytics advisors often have to alternate between different projects and deal with tight deadlines. This is why it is important to be resourceful, to have excellent organizational skills and to know how to effectively manage your priorities. I would say that working in cybermetrics also requires a lot of rigor and attention to detail. And as the Web evolves quickly, we must demonstrate a good capacity to adapt!

In terms of know-how, you must inevitably sharpen your analytical mind, your critical mind and your ability to synthesize. Having an educational flair, as well as good communication, is therefore a great asset in explaining to clients their results, but also the changes with which we must work and the developments in the different tools that we use. Indeed, we often have to deal with major changes in the field of web analytics. Let's think in particular of the migration from Universal Analytics to GA4 or the new Law 25 for cookie consent, which had a significant impact on our business in 2023!

What have you learned during your years at Tink?

I had never worked in an agency before joining Tink, and I must say that this type of working climate helped me a lot to develop new professional skills! I am indeed much more efficient than before in managing my schedule and prioritizing my tasks according to client needs, established deadlines and budgets for each project.

What do you like about Tink, and what makes you stay there?

There are 4 main reasons that make me happy and proud to be a Tinker. The first of these is obviously the team! I am fortunate to work with very competent and experienced colleagues who teach me a lot and help me become a better professional. Without forgetting the atmosphere, which is very pleasant!

The second reason lies in the distribution of tasks. Indeed, projects are often divided according to the strengths and interests of each person within the cybermetrics team. Our manager does a very good job so that we all have diverse and stimulating projects all year round!

The third reason concerns the good working conditions offered at Tink. And I'm not just talking about salary or benefits: Tink also cares about our daily well-being by organizing numerous activities during the year and giving us the flexibility to work from home whenever we want. It's particularly appreciated for those who live far from Montreal, like me who stays in Quebec!

The fourth and final reason for my happiness at Tink is seeing all the added value that I can bring to our customers. It's really a great mark of recognition when clients make new service requests after seeing my work because they would also like to benefit from it!

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

I am particularly proud to have become a reference in dashboard design in the team. It's truly a great accomplishment for me to have taken data visualization to another level and to be able to provide a “Wow” effect to clients. It gives added value to our projects, and it's particularly rewarding to see that our clients as well as my colleagues appreciate what I do!

How would you describe the working atmosphere at Tink?

The team is pleasant, competent and available on a daily basis, which means that I never feel excluded, even if I live 3 hours away from the office! I was integrated very well into the team, even remotely. And I can count on my colleagues to help me if needed! In short, despite working remotely, I still feel like I am an integral part of the team and the projects to which I contribute.

For you, working at Tink means having the opportunity to...?

…to work with competent and pleasant people on stimulating and large-scale projects!

What advice would you give to future employees in your field?

Practice, be persistent, and don't cut corners! The world of web analytics and digital marketing is constantly evolving and can sometimes be complex, so don't hesitate to put in the hours it takes to train and progress. Remember that web analytics advisorsdo not become experts overnight and that we learn more every day!